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Moore Engineering has successfully completed a major environmental engineering challenge in Minnesota.

A Failing Tributary of Lake Traverse: A Case Study in Environmental Engineering

Lakes hold a special place in the soul of Minnesota. To millions of Minnesotans, lakes are an engine of economic activity, a source of food and water, and a tranquil environment to enjoy with friends and family.

With decades of experience in the State, Moore Engineering is committed to preserving the natural beauty and health of Minnesota’s water bodies. When the health of a lake is in question, Moore Engineering has the expertise to help diagnose, plan, and solve the problem.

Today, we’ll share with you the story of how an environmental concern was transformed into a success story of engineering expertise and community collaboration. Moore Engineering, an engineering firm in Minnesota, led a project to prevent erosion from damaging the health of Lake Traverse, located on Minnesota’s western border.

72 Years Of Environmental Damage

Since its construction in 1951, Traverse County Ditch 52 has been a stubborn source of severe erosion and sediment deposition into Lake Traverse. In an article from 1984 titled “Million Dollar Price Tag on Ditch Cleanup,” The Wheaton Gazette described the ditch like this: “A ditch in Traverse County, which has been called the worst ditch in a 23 county area in Minnesota, has caused much concern to farmers, county commissioners, and soil conservation officials.”

Nearly four decades later, the ditch continued to be an issue. The sediment transport was so significant it can be compared to a loss of 1 foot of soil across 70 football fields. Despite multiple maintenance requests and erosion control projects, the scale of the project was too large to overcome and the ditch continued to degrade the lake.

Wheaton Gazette story about a major clean up needed for Lake Traverse in Minnesota.

Collaboration and Expert Engineering Design

Moore Engineering’s approach was comprehensive and collaborative. Our team of environmental engineers worked through the Bois de Sioux Watershed District and collaborated with local landowners, to design a solution that was effective and sensitive to the community’s needs. 

Through productive public engagement sessions, design reviews, and our team’s expert funding services, Moore Engineering facilitated a multi-agency effort to bring the project to fruition.

A Brighter Future for Lake Traverse

The result was a resounding success. In 2023, the project was finished, resulting in a stable channel and creating a reliable drain that benefited all stakeholders involved.

After decades of issues, the project finally solved the erosion problem and protected Lake Traverse’s future. Thanks to the persistence of the Bois de Sioux Watershed District, Moore Engineering’s expertise, funding partnerships and input provided by partners and stakeholders, future generations will enjoy all that Lake Traverse brings to the region.

Completed Lake Traverse Ditch project after Moore Enineering expertly designed an environmental solution.

Expert Engineering Funding Services – $4.7 Million Secured

Funding for such an extensive project was a challenge that Moore Engineering met with strategic planning, resilience, and resourcefulness. The project’s total cost was $5.2 million. Moore Engineering’s funding specialists successfully helped the Bois de Sioux Watershed District unlock over $4.0 million from multiple state funding sources and grant programs.

Within the last 5 years alone, Moore Engineering has helped clients like the Bois de Sioux Watershed District secure well over $270 million from federal and state funding sources.

Moore Engineering’s Commitment to Minnesota

Moore Engineering continues to be a leader in helping clients secure funding for engineering projects, reduce environmental impact, and develop solutions that enhance the quality of life for communities across Minnesota. 

This project serves as a testament to Moore Engineering’s commitment to protecting the environment and serving those who need it most. No other project exemplifies our mission of “improving lives by building strong communities” like our work helping the landowners and the Bois de Sioux Watershed District correct this long-standing problem tributary of Lake Traverse.

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